Day 7 - Stonehenge

After visiting Bath, we continued on to Stonehenge. Lots of pictures of rocks here, even after weeding out a lot. The site is amazing to see, and looks different as you walk around it.
Lunch along the way 20130827-171916 p1000614 20130827-183907 dsc 5510 20130827-141547 dsc 5469
Stonehenge from the car park 20130827-141244 dsc 5467 20130827-145205 dsc 5488 20130827-145749 dsc 5497
20130827-141439 dsc 5468 20130827-142600 dsc 5471 20130827-142622 dsc 5473 20130827-142712 dsc 5474
20130827-142826 dsc 5476 20130827-143034 p1000597 20130827-143140 p1000598 20130827-143220 p1000599
20130827-143243 dsc 5477 20130827-143439 dsc 5478 20130827-143448 dsc 5479 20130827-143452 p1000601
20130827-143615 dsc 5480 20130827-144102 dsc 5481 20130827-144416 p1000603 20130827-144452 p1000604
20130827-144556 dsc 5482 20130827-144648 dsc 5483 20130827-144653 dsc 5484 20130827-144749 dsc 5486
20130827-144830 p1000606 20130827-144843 p1000607 20130827-144944 dsc 5487 20130827-145044 p1000608
20130827-145215 dsc 5489 20130827-145317 dsc 5490 20130827-145409 dsc 5491 20130827-145525 dsc 5493
20130827-145534 p1000611 20130827-145615 dsc 5494 20130827-145619 dsc 5496 20130827-145849 p1000613
20130827-150131 dsc 5498 20130827-150147 dsc 5499 20130827-150156 dsc 5500 20130827-153809 dsc 5504